What actually happens is that when someone clicks the video, it takes you to a link where it seems like you can see but it actually install one add-on or extension to the browser. As a result of the extension, the scam video link gets shared automatically in your friends' walls.
This can be embarrassing to the users as a number of videos that get shared are pornographic or they show some girl's picture with blood all over her face. This is actually one kind of scam trick. There is also one video scam which gets malware into windows and mac. These can be harmful for the user and can hamper their privacy.
To remove these, all you have to do is tweak some browser settings. For Mozilla Firefox And Google Chrome, we have to go to TOOLS, then ADDONS and select EXTENSIONS, then we will have to remove the extension named "YouTube Premium".
In this way, we can remove it. But it is certain that this only happens to the people who CLICK on the link. So if these types of links show up on someone's wall, think before you click them.
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